"Understanding Abuse in Family Life"

Chapter 24 is another one that I felt was important to touch on, abuse in family life. This is sadly something that is very prevalent in today’s world and something that many people have faced within their families. I know many people who grew up with an abusive family member and have seen the scars that it leaves behind. This chapter ties in nicely with the chapter on forgiveness. Abuse from a family member is one of those things that is extremely hard to forgive and forget. And sometimes it doesn’t need to be forgotten. People who are abusive to their families are not following God’s plan for families. He wanted families to be a sanctuary from the world, but some people make it a living hell.

"Hmmm. I don't know how good my answer will be, I didn't grow up in an abusive home, but I can share my perspective from what I've seen other people go through. It makes me sad that some people grow up in home where they don't feel safe. The home is the one place you should feel free and comfortable, so it's sad to think some people don't have that. It also makes me angry, I just don't understand how someone could treat their family that way. Those are supposed to be the people you love the most!"

"It is very hard growing up in an abusive home. It makes you mature much faster and younger than other kids I think. I grew up with a mother who was always ragging on me and insulting me and was very emotionally unstable. I had to learn fast who to predict her moods and do my best to keep her happy so I wouldn't take the brunt of her anger. I wouldn't go back and wish I could grow up in a home like that, but I guess now that I'm older I can look back and try to be grateful for the experiences I had. They shaped me into who I am today."
