"They Cannot Be Lost: Temple Covenants Save Families"

In chapter 16 it talks about how families can be sealed and how the covenants made in temples save families. I spoke with people in and out of the church about this. People in the church expressed gratitude for those covenants that they made and the peace it brings them to know that if they are living righteously they can save their families.

Below are the answers I received from people about this topic.

"Oh, that's a good question. How do I feel knowing that my family can be saved through temple covenants? I'll tell you, it feels AWESOME. I am a convert to the church and when I first heard the missionaries talking about how families can be sealed in the temple I got goosebumps all over. There is nothing I love more in this world than my family, and to know that I can be with them forever? There aren't words to describe that feeling."

"I love my family more than anything. I think it's a nice thought to think about us being together forever. I like that you guys believe that. It would bring a lot of peace and reassurance to know that I will be with my family after this life."
