"The Meanings and Blessings of Family Work"

Chapter 21 emphasizes the importance of working together in families and teaching your children the importance of being a hard and honest worker. I like the part where it talks about working not being the way of the natural man. When families work together in their homes they invite the spirit in and it can create a spirit of unity within the family. Times when the family works together can be great bonding experiences and help build the family relationships.

Below are the answers I received while talking to people about this concept.

"I used to HATE doing chores as a kid. Mom and Dad always made us get up on Saturday's and do all of our chores before we could do anything else. As a kid it was such a drag. And I remember when it was summertime we had to do yard work every single Saturday. Gosh I hated that! Looking back though now that I'm grown, I can see that those were some of my best memories with mom and dad and you guys. We had some fun times despite the fact that we were working. I'm also grateful that mom and dad taught us how to do all of those things. After moving out and being on my own, you realize how important it is to have those skills. One of my roommates my first semester of college lacked those skills, and holy crap! It caused a few fights between us. So, I'm glad they made us do those hard things. It made it easier to be on my own." 
