
Hi everyone! My name is Katie Craig and I'm so happy you are here at my blog. I am a senior at BYU-Idaho and I am working on finish my degree online. My major is Marriage and Family Studies and I hope to someday become a family and marital counselor. I am very passionate about the importance of the family and God's plan He created for us. He designed families because they are the best environment to grow and learn and love. This semester for a class I'm taking, I have to complete a project that last the whole semester. Within this project, we are to use the information that we have been learning in this class and share it with people to help them learn and understand how they can have happy family lives. I chose to do interviews for mine and bring up information we have learned and get insight on it from the people I am interviewing. I then am going to put it into a blog and make them available for anyone to see! 

I hope you enjoy! 
