"Honoring Marital Vows with Complete Fidelity"

Chapter 6 was one I felt I needed to talk to people about because it discusses a problem that is very prevalent toady, honoring marital vows with complete fidelity. It has become increasingly popular and more accepted for people to stray in their marriages and even leave their families for extramarital affairs. As I spoke with people about this, many of them expressed concern at this becoming the norm. People put too much emphasis on their own person happiness in marriages and tend to stray at the slightest inconvenience or hardship. Rather than turn toward each other, couples are turning to other people for solace.

"Thinking about infidelity scares me! I think that everyone would like to think that would never happen to them...but the scary thing is that no one is immune to it! You can't be so foolish as to think it will never happen to you. Marriages need constant attention and effort to remain happy and solid. You can't get lazy with it."
