"Faith in Family Life"

Chapter 18, which talks about faith in family life, was inspiration for me to interview people about their own experiences with faith in their homes growing up, and if they wanted to have faith based homes when they raised their own families. This chapter discusses the benefits of raising a family in a faith filled home and the blessings it can bring to your children.

Below are the answers I received from people. 

"I grew up in a home with no religion and no faith. For many years I never knew the difference so I was fine with being in a home like that. In high school I become good friends with someone who had a very religious family. I began to love being in their home and began participating in church with them. Now that I am raising my own family I've chosen to raise my own children in a faith based home."

"I grew up LDS and I'm really grateful that I did. I think faith is super important and I'm not sure my parents could have raised us without having that faith. A lot of our family time was based around church, stuff like Family Home Evening and going to church every Sunday. Sometimes as a kid I got annoyed with having to do those things all the time...especially when you see other kids about having fun on Sunday and Monday nights! But not that I'm older I'm grateful I was raised like that. All of the things I was taught as a child have helped me as an adult." 
